Paper Accepted and Presented at 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Denmark

We are happy to announce that one of our papers titled “Early Stage Design of a mHealth Intervention for Managing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Bangladeshi Women”, has been accepted and presented at “25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Denmark (Acceptance Rate: 26.42%; Ranked 18th for combined HCI Journal and Conference ranking by Google Scholar)”. This work was a joint collaboration between CCDS professor Dr. Ashraful Islam and collaborators from the University of Wisconsin, USA and Tampere University, Finland.

In this work, the authors propose an early-stage design of user interfaces (UIs) for a mobile health (mHealth) intervention using the Bengali language that allows users to input daily measures of blood glucose, weight, and other GDM-related health data. The intervention is designed to provide users with personalized feedback based on their input and the necessary coaching for managing GDM. It also reminds users to take medication if prescribed by their doctors. The app has six key features: blood glucose tracking, food logging, medication reminders, activity tracking, educational resources, and personalized recommendations.