Five Papers Accepted in BLP Workshop @EMNLP 2023

We are happy to announce that five of our papers have been accepted in “the first Bangla Language Processing (BLP) Workshop will be co-located with EMNLP in Singapore. Papers are titled with:

  1. Contextual Bangla Neural Stemmer: Finding Contextualized Root-Word Representations for Bangla Words
  2. Investigation the Effectiveness of Graph-based Algorithm for Bangla Text Classification
  3. BaTEClaCor: A Novel Dataset for Bangla Text Error Classification and Correction
  4. Aambela at BLP-2023 Task 1: Focus on [UNK] tokens: Analyzing Violence Inciting Bengali Text with Adding Dataset Specific New Word Tokens
  5. Aambela at BLP-2023 Task 2: Enhancing BanglaBERT Performance for Bangla Sentiment Analysis Task with In Task Pretraining and Adversarial Weight Perturbation