Hiring Research Assistant in Theoretical Physics

We are seeking a postbac (post-baccalaureate) Research Assistant who will work under the supervision of Theoretical Physicists. The work will involve both analytical and numerical computation. More specifically, we will study the chaos and complexity of different kinds of quantum mechanical and field theoretical systems.

The Theory RA will work jointly with the Department of Physical Sciences and the ComPAs wing of CCDS.

Deadline: 15 January 2024

Salary negotiable. For queries contact Dr. Jewel Kumar Ghosh. Email: jewel.ghosh AT iub.edu.bd

Apply online: https://forms.gle/TcNfGYQcUZFU6Vfe6

Hiring Research Assistant in Astronomy & Astrophysics

We are seeking a postbac (post-baccalaureate) Research Assistant who will work under the supervision of an observational astronomer and a theoretical physicist. The work will involve both astronomical observation and simulation. The observational part entails modeling the direction-dependent errors of LOFAR (a radio telescope) in observing the 21-cm signal coming from the epoch of reionization of the universe (almost 12 billion years ago). The simulation part entails simulating cosmological hydrogen using 21cmFAST, a semi-numerical code.

The Astrophysics RA will work jointly at COALab of the Department of Physical Sciences and the ComPAs wing of the Center for Computational and Data Sciences (CCDS).

Eligibility: The applicants must have finished undergrad in physics, mathematics, computer science, or a related engineering field and must not be doing any other full-time job at the moment of the application.

Deadline: 15 January 2024

Salary negotiable. For queries contact Dr. Khan Asad. Email: kasad AT iub.edu.bd

Apply online: https://forms.gle/gYm3EMeqhsVceqqo6

CCDS supervisor received grant from SR, IUB

Md Zahangir Alam, Ph.D., Co-Director HCI Wing, CCDS, Assistant Professor, CSE, IUB, received a research grant of BDT 600,000 from Sponsored Research, Independent University, Bangladesh under the project title “Resource optimization of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) cyber-physical systems at a desired security level using Machine Learning techniques”.

Congratulations Md Zahangir Alam, Ph.D. for receiving this award.

CCDS supervisor received grant from SR, IUB

Ashraful Islam, Ph.D., Co-Director HCI Wing, CCDS, Assistant Professor, CSE, IUB, received a research grant of BDT 850,000 from Sponsored Research, Independent University, Bangladesh under the project title “ICT-enabled Workplace Stress Management”.

Congratulations Ashraful Islam, Ph.D. for receiving this award.

CCDS RA received “Best Shared Task Paper” in BanglaNLP workshop @EMNLP23

EMNLP is one of the best conferences in natural language processing which is a very prestigious venue. This year there was a workshop on the Bangla language named “Bangla Language Processing” (BLP) for the first time.  From our CCDS Lab, 5 papers have been accepted in that workshop. Among those accepted papers, the paper titled “Aambela al BLP-2023 Task 2: Enhancing  Banglabert Performance for Bangla Sentiment Analysis Task within task pretraining and Adversarial Weight Perturbation” has been selected for the “Best Shared Task Paper” award in the workshop. Congratulations to our RA, Md Fahim for winning this award.
Award Announcement Link: https://blp-workshop.github.io/awards 
Link of the paper: https://aclanthology.org/2023.banglalp-1.42/ 

Paper accepted in NeurIPS 2023 at 3rd Workshop on Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing

We are very glad to share that our paper titled:”HateXplain Space Model: Fusing Robustness with Explainability in Hate Speech Analysis” Accepted at “Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing” workshop @NeurIPS 2023. The paper deals with detecting hate texts with more robust and explainable fashion.

LLMs demonstrate proficiency in various tasks but encounter difficulties when identifying hate contexts, especially in zero-shot or transfer learning scenarios. To tackle this challenge, we present Space Modeling (SM), an innovative approach that enhances hate context detection by generating word-level attribution and bias scores. These scores offer intuitive insights into model predictions and help recognize hateful terms.

Very glad to Dr. Ruhul Amin Sir (Assistant Professor, Fordham University, USA) for his supervision.

Two of Our Undergrad Research Students Got Accepted to ACM SIGHCI Winter School

This is to inform Ashfaq and Shochcho that two of our undergrad research students got selected for the ACM SIGCHI Winter School. Only 5 applicants received travel grants and Ashfaq is one of them.

The workshop might offer 4 more grants, so let’s hope for the best.
The school will be held on Jan 2-4 in Colombo.

Paper Accepted at 15th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction, South Korea

We are happy to announce that one of our papers, “An Integrated System for Stroke Rehabilitation Exercise Assessment using KINECT v2 and Machine Learning, “ has been accepted and presented at the “15th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction, South Korea”. This work is an outcome of a CCDS project on “Automated and Computerized Rehabilitation Systems for Stroke Patients”. This work is jointly supervised by CCDS professors Dr. M Ashraful Amin, Dr. Amin Ahsan Ali, Dr. A K M Mahbubur Rahman, and Dr. Ashraful Islam and collaborated with Eshtiak Ahmed from Tampere University, Finland.

In this work, a home-based rehabilitation system is designed to address these challenges by leveraging the capabilities of the KINECT v2 3D camera. Our system, equipped with a graphical user interface (GUI), allows patients to perform, monitor, and record their exercises. By utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms, specifically G3D and disentangled multi-scale aggregation schemes, the system can analyze exercises, generating both primary objective (PO) and control factor (CF) scores out of 100.

Five Papers Accepted in BLP Workshop @EMNLP 2023

We are happy to announce that five of our papers have been accepted in “the first Bangla Language Processing (BLP) Workshop will be co-located with EMNLP in Singapore. Papers are titled with:

  1. Contextual Bangla Neural Stemmer: Finding Contextualized Root-Word Representations for Bangla Words
  2. Investigation the Effectiveness of Graph-based Algorithm for Bangla Text Classification
  3. BaTEClaCor: A Novel Dataset for Bangla Text Error Classification and Correction
  4. Aambela at BLP-2023 Task 1: Focus on [UNK] tokens: Analyzing Violence Inciting Bengali Text with Adding Dataset Specific New Word Tokens
  5. Aambela at BLP-2023 Task 2: Enhancing BanglaBERT Performance for Bangla Sentiment Analysis Task with In Task Pretraining and Adversarial Weight Perturbation

Paper Accepted and Presented at 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Denmark

We are happy to announce that one of our papers titled “Early Stage Design of a mHealth Intervention for Managing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Bangladeshi Women”, has been accepted and presented at “25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Denmark (Acceptance Rate: 26.42%; Ranked 18th for combined HCI Journal and Conference ranking by Google Scholar)”. This work was a joint collaboration between CCDS professor Dr. Ashraful Islam and collaborators from the University of Wisconsin, USA and Tampere University, Finland.

In this work, the authors propose an early-stage design of user interfaces (UIs) for a mobile health (mHealth) intervention using the Bengali language that allows users to input daily measures of blood glucose, weight, and other GDM-related health data. The intervention is designed to provide users with personalized feedback based on their input and the necessary coaching for managing GDM. It also reminds users to take medication if prescribed by their doctors. The app has six key features: blood glucose tracking, food logging, medication reminders, activity tracking, educational resources, and personalized recommendations.