The Center for Computational & Data Sciences (CCDS) is pleased to announce a two-day workshop on “Hands-on Deep Learning Coding & Code Management” scheduled for December 12-13, 2024. Certificates will be awarded to individuals who successfully complete the program.
The workshop will be led and facilitated by
AKM Mahbubur Rahman, PhD, Director Data Science Wing, CCDS; Associate Professor, CSE, IUB
Time/Data of Workshop:
Thursday, Dec 12 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Friday, Dec 13: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Facilitated by: Dr AKM Mahbubur Rahman, and senior research assistants, CCDS
RSVP your attendance using this google form.
Please come to CCDS Lab, IUB by 1pm. We will formally start the session at 1:15pm.
Please use IUB gate 1 to enter the IUB premise. At the reception, mention you are to join the workshop at CCDS. Please bring your own laptop.
For any further assistance:
Call: Zakir Hossan, CCDS Research Manager, 01738438310
Tentative Schedule
Day 01
Dec 12 1pm – 4:30pm
a. Develop VGG 16 for image classification, plot loss curves, batches, dropout impact, batch normalization, learning rate scheduler, adam optimizer,
b. NLP using LSTM model, Transformer, BERTDay 02
Session 01: Dec 13 9:30am – 12:30pm
Managing project using VS code, running code in google colab while developing the sourcecode in vscode
Session 02:
a. Develop VGG 16 for image classification, plot loss curves, batches, dropout impact, batch normalization, learning rate scheduler, adam optimizer,
b. NLP using LSTM model, Transformer, BERTDay 02
Session 01: Dec 13 9:30am – 12:30pm
Managing project using VS code, running code in google colab while developing the sourcecode in vscode
Session 02:
Visualizing the loss curves, real time interaction with the model with wandb.ai and Lightning.ai